Custom Wine Cellars designed to serve the world's thirst for true taste
Building Luxury Custom Wine Cellars in Stunning Orange County Homes

Coastal Custom Wine Cellars has worked on many luxury custom wine cellars projects like this one in Orange County, California.
The Coastal Custom Wine Cellars team have extensive experience building luxury custom wine cellars in Orange County and all over California. This recent project is an incredible combination of metal and wooden custom wine racking, adjustable LED lighting, a frameless glass door, and an industrial-strength split system cooling unit, combining modern and traditional styles.
Check out this video tour and get inspired by this modern wine cellar masterpiece.
Building Luxury Custom Wine Cellars in Stunning Orange County Homes!
A Tuscan-inspired Modern Design for Luxury Custom Wine Cellars
For this project, the client wanted to build a modern-themed residential wine cellar that still perfectly fits in with their semi-traditional Orange County home. The master designer, was able to design an advanced modern-looking wine room combining both wooden and metal wine racking systems. The wine racks feature adjustable LED lighting that gives off a modern vibe that perfectly contrasts with the wooden wine racking’s Tuscan-inspired traditional design.
The house’s interior is a mix of contemporary and traditional designs with art pieces accentuating the traditional style of the home’s surroundings like a warm-lighted chandelier, traditional furniture, paintings, patterned flooring, and indoor plants.
A Functional Wine Racking System by Coastal Custom Wine Cellars
The entire wine cellar is composed of numerous variations of wooden racking designs and styles to showcase a large number of wine bottles in many stylish ways. Upon entering the wine cellar, you will be presented with a beautiful wine racking made from premium Alderwood with wheat-stained lacquer.
The team was able to maximize the large area of the wine cellar by incorporating varied builds of wooden storage designs and options. A balanced mix of traditional and modern wooden racking styles is beautifully implemented for this luxurious custom wine room.
A Genius Mix of Custom Wooden and Metal Wine Racking Design

A mix of Vintage double-deep metal wine racking and luxurious modern wooden wine storage shelves is perfect for any custom wine cellar.
The top of the wooden racking features double-deep VintageView black satin wine racks, wherein a set of metal pegs are attached to wall-mounted wooden backer boards. Each backer board panel can hold twelve wine bottles in total. The high-reveal single wine display below the VintageView wall-mounted wine racks has a slight inclination to meet the viewer’s sight at a comfortable viewing angle. Additionally, below the inclined wine display racks are 7-layered wooden wine storage shelves boasting a triple-deep design.

You can display your favorite luxurious wine bottles, brandy, and wine glasses on this custom-made arched wood wine display.
You will also see X-cube wine bins which can store multiple wine bottles in bulk. Above the X-cube wine bins is an arch-wood wine rack at the center to feature the client’s most favorite wine bottles. Surrounding the arched center wine displays are stacked wine shelves and a high reveal below the wooden shelves and above the X-cube bins.
Showcasing your most expensive, prized, and rarest wine collection is the essence of luxury custom wine cellars. Another beautiful addition to this Orange County residential wine cellar is two columns of wine cubicles with warm LED lighting on both sides to display wine bottles, tequila, brandy, or wine glasses. Quarter-round wine displays are also installed at the corners of the wine room with similar warm LED lighting.
A wooden tasting table is situated at the center of the wine room, where the guests can hang around and marvel at the client’s massive collection of wine bottles. The ingenious design below the center table makes it another suitable storage area for the wine bottles. That said, the team maximized every possible space making the wine room capable of storing approximately 1400 bottles.
Perfecting the Luxury Custom Wine Cellars Look with Modern LED Lighting
Adjustable LED lighting systems are installed for each wooden panel, rerouted from behind the backer boards highlighting each panel like an art display inside a gallery. The bright white lighting produces a pitch-black shadow on the wooden panels and wine bottles, emanating an exquisite modern display of the whole wine collection.
On the other hand, the triple-deep wine storage rows at the bottom utilize warm LED lighting to contrast the bright white lighting on the upper wine racks. Every wine rack has its custom lighting, which ideally creates a luxurious atmosphere inside the wine cellar.
Aesthetic Glass Wine Cellar Door for Optimal Wine Storage

The fully transparent glass wine cellar door adds a luxurious atmosphere to the custom wine cellar’s semi-traditional design.
The entire display of the whole cellar delivers a pure stunning scenery to all the guests even before entering the wine room. The wine cellar is visible from the exterior view as its door is entirely made of 1/2-inch tempered frameless glass application, giving a fully-transparent view of the wine room interior even when you are outside the wine cellar.
The Coastal team did a splendid job installing a stylish glass wine cellar door with reliable functionalities. With the team’s excellent skills, there are no airgaps at all in the wine room. Surrounding the door is a U-channel, which gives a perfect seal to the glass and provides complete airtight storage for the wine cellar. It has a self-closing hinge allowing the door to close without leaving any air gaps. The magnets on the hinges ensure that the door will securely close every time, even when it is accidentally left open.
A Space-Saving Industrial Strength Split Type Cooling System
A custom wine cellar’s luxurious designs and aesthetics are useless without an appropriate functioning wine cooling system. For this project, storing the wine collection at optimal temperature and conditions is handled by a split-type ducted cooling unit from US Cellars Systems. US Cellars Systems offer fantastic refrigeration systems for any use, especially their ducted ones.
For this instance, we designed the cooling system’s installation by putting the ducted unit up into the attic meanwhile placing the condensing unit outside next to the garden. What’s great about the ducted split-type units from US Cellars Systems is their varied sizes and flexibility in installation. Our design allows the cooling unit to be installed where it can be easily serviced regularly. In addition, the cooling unit produces a very low sound, perfect for a very comforting ambiance inside the wine room.
Have Your Treasured Wine Collection Securely Stored with the Help of Wine Cellar Master Designers
Any home area is upgradeable to luxury custom wine cellars with the correct planning and designs. With the help of trusted experts like our entire Coastal Custom Wine Cellars team, you don’t have to worry about the other aspects of the whole construction process anymore. Leave everything to us, and we’ll help you build the perfect wine cellar for your home.
Call us at (949) 200-8134 or contact our wine cellar design experts here!

This stylish and modern Orange County home contains one of our newest luxury custom wine cellars.

A frameless glass door guards the entrance to this luxury Orange County wine cellar.

The glass door in this Orange County luxury wine cellar is flanked by two shelving units, showing off accessories and art.

What would you store in your own custom luxury wine cellar?

Modern, custom luxury wine cellars like this one employ multiple racking styles made of both metal and wood.

Adjustable LED lighting allows you to show off all the incredible features in this luxury Orange County wine cellar.

VintageView racks on the walls are a perfect complement to the multiple racking styles in this luxury wine cellar.

VintageView racking looks incredible and securely holds these wine bottles in the luxury cellar.

Individual LED lights on these shelves make each bottle shine.

This stunning luxury custom wine cellar holds over 1400 bottles.

At the far end of the custom luxury wine room is a display arch with special wine and liquor bottles.

These Orange County homeowners wanted a place to relax in a luxurious setting and share a bottle of wine with friends and family.

In the center of the luxurious wine room is a display and tasting table, complete with custom art and decor.

This LED-lit display row is a lovely touch in custom luxury wine cellars like this one.

These shelves hold wine bottles in a label-forward orientation, allowing you to easily browse through the collection.

What types of metal and wooden racking would you want in your own luxury wine cellar?

This luxury Orange County home wine cellar is equipped with an industrial strength split system cooling unit.