Home » IronWine Cellars Peg Racking
Custom Wine Cellars designed to serve the world's thirst for true taste
IronWine Cellars Peg Racking
Wine Peg Display Systems by IronWine Cellars – When you need advanced display systems to show off and protect your wine collection.
IronWine Cellars’ modern wine pegs are one-of-a-kind products that will surely make your wine display an expensive-looking spot in your home. These aesthetic, high-quality, commercial-grade pins bring out the best of your wine cellar’s modern and minimalist design while supporting hundreds of wine bottles.
IronWine Cellars Peg Racking Overview and Features
These modern label-forward wine cellar pegs come in one or two-bottle configurations available in varying material and color choices. A triple-deep peg racking option is also available for wine racking systems with a more extensive bottle collection.

IronWine Cellars' 1-bottle metal wine pegs come in three varying colors and an acrylic type as well.

IronWine Cellars' 2-bottle metal wine pegs come in three varying colors and an acrylic type as well

Each purchase comes with a pair of IronWine Cellars' wine pegs, from any colors like this aluminum silver finish.

IronWine Cellars' 2-bottle configuration allows the minimalist wine pegs to carry 2 bottles at once with ease.

IronWine Cellars peg racking also comes in acrylic, embodying a modern and minimalist touch to the entire wine racking system.

IronWine Cellars' 1-bottle Gold wine pegs give off an exquisite expensive-looking effect to your wine display.

The black matte finish on this wine peg by IronWine Cellars gives off a marvelous darker themed modern look to the wine cellar.

IronWine Cellars' wine pegs are made from quality grade materials capable of carrying heavy wine bottles for long periods of time.

This matte black wine pegs from IronWine Cellars are not just minimalist in design but also capable of carrying heavy wine bottles.
Choose from four types of IronWine Cellars Peg Racking starting from silver-aluminum metal, gold-copper, and black matte finishes. You may also choose their clear acrylic wine cellar pegs.
These peg designs allow you to conceive your dream modern wine rack of any design or quantity of wine bottles. This contemporary wine cellar, for example, exudes a modern and minimalist wine display by using IronWine Cellars’ black three-bottle metal peg racking.

IronWine Cellars’ matte black metal wine pegs boost the aesthetic effect that you want to achieve with your modern wine cellar
IronWine Cellars Peg Racking Specifications
- Wine pegs come with an M10 thread for installation stone, acrylic, metal, and wood panels 3/4″ thick.
- A deeper M10 is also available for 1-inch panels with a small additional cost.
- The capacity of all in-stock metal wine pegs is (750ml) standard capacity.
- The 1-bottle configuration comes in a 4.02-inch peg length. Meanwhile, a 2-bottle configuration is 7.76 inches.
- The 3-bottle configuration is a custom order with an 11.5-inch peg length.
IronWine Cellars Peg Racking full specs guide:

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Acrylic Wine Cellar Pegs
IronWine Cellars’ latest addition is the modern acrylic wine pegs which are available for 1-bottle and 2-bottle wine racking configurations.
- Like the metal wine peg variations, acrylic pegs also use an M10 screw with a 1-inch length for 3/4-inch panels.
- Acrylic pegs are not yet available for triple deep wine cellar racking systems but only for standard (750ml) capacity for 1 and 2-bottle configurations.
- It is made from top-grade clear acrylic, making it much more resistant to discoloration and feeding over time.
Build Your Custom Modern Wine Cellar with IronWine Cellars Peg Racking
Coastal Custom Wine Cellars‘ designers and experts can help you build your dream wine cellar and design an exquisite wine racking system using high-quality Wine Peg Display Systems by IronWine Cellars. Get in touch with us now at +1 (949) 200-8134.

The bright color scheme of the contemporary home provides contrast to the dark minimalist theme of the wine cellar and IronWine Cellars Pegs.

Steve Pantalemon, the master designer for this project proposed the wine cellar racking design for the modern wine cellar.

This is the proposed wine cellar racking system using IronWine Cellars' wine pegs

This matte black wine pegs from IronWine Cellars are not just minimalist in design but also capable of carrying heavy wine bottles.

The black matte finish on this wine peg by IronWine Cellars gives off a marvelous darker themed modern look to the wine cellar.

IronWine Cellars' 2-bottle configuration allows the minimalist wine pegs to carry 2 bottles at once with ease.

The black matte finish on the IronWine Cellars wine pegs gives off a dominating modern look to the entire celalr

This old wine cellar was upgraded into a modern wine cellar with minimalist dark wine cellar racking and pegs constructed by Coastal Custom Wine Cellars

A closer exterior look of the modern wine cellar racking with IronWineCellars matte black pegs

This elegant wine cellar project features triple deep modern matte black wine pegs from IronWineCellars

The modern wine cellar also features storage bins below that can also function as wine racks