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Wine Cellars Orange County Capital Seafood
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This article discusses three main aspects of commercial wine display design that were applied to Capital Seafood’s new Wine Storage and Display Cellar
In this article, we share the details of how we designed and built a commercial wine cellar for the Capital Seafood restaurant in Irvine, Orange County in California.
The 7′ square, 10′ high custom wine cellar features glass and metal construction and offers high-density practical wine storage. The wine racks, with a total capacity of 1,011 bottles, are made of standard and custom metal components from VintageView, sporting a black satin finish.
The design aims to impress clients with a visually stunning wine display that showcases select labels.
Designed with refrigeration and high usage in mind. Clearly important when dealing with an all-glass wine cellar. On a commercial project, the refrigeration system must be able to cope with the frequency of access.
The wine cellar features dual-pane glass walls to prevent condensation, a digitally controlled security lock, and a ducted self-contained air handler for temperature control.
All Glass Commercial Wine Display and Refrigerated Cellar

In designing this commercial-grade wine storage display we had a completely raw canvas as nothing was in place to start with. As part of this project there was a fair bit of construction to frame and drop the ceiling, and add special lighting and ducting to the wine cellar cooling system, all so that it would be invisible to the restaurant’s clientele.
Commercial Custom Wine Cellars is a completely different challenge to most of the projects we have featured so far. Here our latest project, a commercial wine display and refrigerated wine cellar is a great example of just how different they can be!
Constructed in glass and metal this wine cellar created for a new restaurant in Irvine California called Capital Seafood was an opportunity for us to design something that would wow the clients whilst at the same time providing high-density practical wine storage.
Capital Seafood is a trendy new dining experience in the Irvine Spectrum Center offering dim sum, fresh seafood, not so Americanized traditional Chinese dishes all with ambiance and great service. Try the Thai Beef Salad and Hot and Sour Soup, we did, they were very, very nice!
The 7′ square commercial custom wine cellar is 10′ high and all glass, with the exception of one wall. The racking, a mix of standard and custom metal wine racks all with a black satin finish from VintageView has a total capacity of 1,011 wine bottles.
Most of the metal wine racks are standard components that are available in 2 height options, with these we were able to pretty much do any height we needed enabling us to keep the overall cost within budget. One of the glass wall elevations is a one-of-a-kind – custom metal wine rack display that offers direct visibility from the entry and to the bar/lounge area presenting the wine menu or inventory.
Due to the nature of these types of metal wine racks the wine bottles are highly visible and look almost like they are floating in the air unsupported. This is ideal in a commercial restaurant setting where the goal is to display inventory and impress clients with select labels.
10′ or higher glass walls are not unusual in the commercial and hospitality industries and certainly make for impressive wine displays. In constructing and mounting the metal wine racks we used floor-to-ceiling mounted frames upon which we secured single, double, and triple-depth horizontal wine displays.
Raw Canvas – Commercial Wine Cellar Design
In designing this commercial wine storage display we had a raw canvas as nothing was in place to start with. As part of this project there was a fair bit of construction to frame and drop the ceiling, and add special lighting and ducting to the wine cellar cooling system, all so that it would be invisible to the restaurant’s clientele. Clearly important when dealing with an all-glass wine cellar. The walls were constructed with dual-pane glass to eliminate condensation and the entry door has a digitally controlled security locking mechanism. The wine cellar refrigeration system is a ducted self-contained air handler situated up in the ceiling 20′ from the wine room itself.
The actual displays are a mix of a custom presentation row, lateral, and 15-degree pitch presentations that create a highly visible unique look. The main benefit of using this type of metal wine racks from VintageView for the display is their eye-catching visual impact.
Are you a restaurant or wine store owner? – Custom Wine Cellars California
Whether you are based in Irvine Orange County California or indeed anywhere in North America, consider boosting your sales and position in the market with a stunning wine display using state-of-the-art metal wine racks from VintageView. Call us today at +1 (949) 200-8134 or complete a simple wine cellar design request for a FREE no-obligation design and quote.
Watch the video tour of this Irvine California Commercial Wine Cellar Project
As will see in this video tour we were able to create something pretty dramatic, we hope you will get the chance to visit Capital Seafood in Irvine enjoy a delicious meal, and see the commercial wine cellar firsthand! Don’t forget to enjoy a glass of your favorite wine – Cheers!
This commercial custom wine cellar features dual-pane glass walls designed to prevent condensation. A digitally controlled security lock, and a ducted self-contained air handler for temperature control. Designed with refrigeration and high usage in mind. Clearly vitalwhen dealing with an all-glass wine cellar. On a commercial project like this, the cooling system must be able to cope with the frequency of access.
Check out our press release all about one of the most Contemporary Commercial Custom Wine Cellars we have ever created by Coastal Custom Wine Cellars.
Orange County Commercial Custom Wine Cellars
Constructed restaurant, Capital Seafood, at the Irvine Spectrum Center, Orange County, California this 1888PressRelease – This article discusses three main aspects of commercial wine display design that can be applied to Capital Seafood’s new Wine Storage and Displays Cellar: Glass, Meta & Contemporary styling.
This stunning commercial wine cellar was created for this new restaurant built in Irvine, California. The wine cellar designs remit was for an outstanding contemporary style wine cellar that would not only allow for storage but also highlight the wine collection.
Features of the Commercial Wine Racks
The racking design plays a crucial role in achieving eye-catching wine displays that will attract potential customers to purchase your wines. When designing commercial custom wine cellars, Coastal Custom Wine Cellars considers the essential factors to ensure that the racking placements and styles will help boost the wine sales of our clients.
They combined standard and custom metal wine racks from VintageView. The Black Satin finish complimented the tall glass walls and the contemporary interior of the restaurant.
See the post here:
Announcing the Most Contemporary Commercial Custom Wine Cellar Ever Created By Coastal Custom Wine Cellars
Other Press Releases by Coastal Custom Wine Cellars
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Designing a Beautiful and Practical Wine Cellar for Santa Barbara Vineyard Owner
Coastal Custom Wine Cellars Builds A Complete Wine Storage Room in A 26-Square Foot Space
Our Orange County Experts Design Sale-Boosting Commercial Custom Wine Cellars. Work with Us!
If you are looking for a professional builder with has extensive experience building commercial wine cellars in San Diego or any parts of California, Coastal Custom Wine Cellars will help you! We will create a wine display designed to help boost your wine sales.
Please call us at +1 (949) 200-8134 or request your own custom design.
[spacer size=”20″]Coastal Custom Wine Cellars Creates a Wine Cellar that Provides Wines the Best Home and Protection They Deserve
Video Transcription
Hi, I am Jerry Wilson. I’m the founder of Coastal Custom Wine Cellars, and I’m proud and I’m very excited to take you on a short tour of a wine cellar that we created for a restaurant in Orange County. Actually, Irvine, California Restaurant Capital Seafood Grill is situated within the Irvine Spectrum Mall there. So we’ll take you on some of the, uh, different phases of construction, share some photographs, some design packages with you, and some completed photographs as well. So you can see how the whole process went. We were contacted initially in July of 2011, and after some consultation and a site visit, we created a simple design for them. The room wasn’t very large as 7 feet by 7 feet 2 with 10-foot ceilings. This is an overhead view or a plan view here of the wine room. And this wall right here is the only solid wall that we had to work with.
One-of-a-kind Wine Display and Storage System Commercial Custom Wine Cellar. Helping the client sell more quality wines.
One-of-a-kind Display and Storage System Commercial Custom Wine Cellar
These other walls here, this one, this one, and these, this left side wall that had incorporated the entry were full-height glass walls, so didn’t pose a problem. It’s um, it’s something that we do often for the hospitality industry. We did some other pretty cool features. Actually, this is a custom display here that you’ll better understand when we looked at some photographs. But this is a one-of-a-kind display and storage system along this particular wall that’s, uh, no one else in the country actually has the other walls. We utilize floor-to-ceiling mount frames that we secured, single double and triple depth, uh, horizontal displays to. Overall, 1,011 bottles total capacity. So we were obviously working with a raw canvas, so we had some, uh, construction to do obviously. So we, the framers that were on site, uh, they were instructed to drop the ceiling down where we incorporated some lighting.
Wine Cellar Refrigeration Mechanics Made Invisible
And there’s no visible refrigeration equipment, as you might imagine, in, in a totally glass-enclosed room. The client doesn’t, didn’t want that. So we u utilized a cellmate product. It’s a ducted self-contained, ducted air handler that’s situated approximately 20 feet from the wine room up in the ceiling. And we simply ducted the air to and from the wine room a little bit further along. We’ve contracted with a local glass design company where they came in and they built the framework for us. Now we’ve also put some, uh, some three-quarter-inch plywood around the perimeter so that we can secure the floor-to-ceiling frames and have a good, good firm fit. So these guys did their job for us very well. We’re very happy with that. And then we came in before the glass was installed, uh, we had the wine racks delivered on-site and we began construction.
Floor-to-ceiling Wine Display
So you can see we’ve, we’ve got floor-to-ceiling mount frames. This is the custom feature that I mentioned that is specific to Capital Seafood Grill. A little bit further along, we’ve moved this right side wall here is the only solid wall that we had to work with. These style racks actually secure to the wall and there’s no need for the floor-to-ceiling mount frame. As you can see up here in the very top, we’ve actually got the ducting and the registers installed. So now the same wall all obviously completed. And here I’m standing within the wine room right next to the solid wall. Lots of displays, not only at a 15-degree pitch here, which is called the presentation row, but as you can see, the models laying laterally or sideways on the wall so you see the full length of it. It’s a very unique wine racking system that actually gives, gives the illusion as if the bottles are floating versus the traditional wood racking.
Contemporary Commercial Wine Display Designed to Visual Impact
So we’ve got a little cleaner, a lot more contemporary appearance. This, uh, display row, this presentation rack is the custom feature that I spoke of. Yeah, the pictures really don’t do it justice. It’s, it’s quite a visual display for the restaurant. There’s another angle kind of from the floor looking up. Again, you don’t really see any racking. All you see is the bottles. And this is an ideal situation, especially in a restaurant or a hotel. The visual impact on the client makes them thirsty for wine is a little bit more of a close-up picture of that custom presentation row that I mentioned. Get a full-height picture of the wine room. The client was very happy overall and here he is, our, our, our one of our owners standing within the wine room. He’s another very satisfied customer. We’re very happy to have helped him. Thanks for stopping by. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at +1 (949) 200-8134 or visit us at coastalcustomwinecellars.com