Home » Learn all about the Custom Wine Cellar Builders – Master Class
Custom Wine Cellars designed to serve the world's thirst for true taste
Learn all about the Custom Wine Cellar Builders – Master Class
Design – Master Class Custom Wine Cellar Builders
What is the first step when Designing Custom Wine Cellars?

It’s important to start with a great design! – Wine Cellar Builders
First, we ask our clients to think about their wine personality profile. This will start with the number of bottles they wish to store as well as the long-term wine storage and inventory management needs, then how they would like to display their collection overall and feature specific vintage bottles. These may be individual wine specials or entire batches of favorite wines from preferred vineyards.
If you are a collector yourself then it is essential for you to think long-term in planning your wine cellar design. For the serious collector, racking wine is not just for “this year” but it can be for the very long term. Ask yourself how many bottles of wine you have now and given the dedication of a room to this activity, how many and what type you may accumulate over the next several years.
Decide if you are a pure “collector” or are you more of an “entertainer” with your wines. As a collector, you may be more concerned with the amount and type of bottles to store for future use, not so much how they are displayed. If you are a social animal and like to entertain, then creating great eye-catching displays may be worth the sacrifice of raw capacity to you. You will probably also want a dedicated entertainment area for wine-tasting social evenings incorporated into the design.
From there we analyze our client’s home decor or in the case of a commercial wine cellars, the public profile and style they wish to present. Is it contemporary, traditional, or quirky, what type of environment will the Wine Cellar be part of? What wood, metal, or glass is already in place, and is the wine cellar to flow and be seen from the rest of the home or building?
As wine cellar builders it is essential that we start by understanding our clients’ wine personality profiles. Once we have a good understanding of the personality of our client we draw on our years of designing and engineering experience to put forward an initial “concept” design. Then with feedback and usually just a few design iterations, we settle upon the core design.
We offer this service completely free of charge as in our experience, most serious wine collectors are happy to proceed if they get a great design presented to them in a way that allows them to visualize the end product.
We believe it is out of a passion for wine, the presentation of wine, and the wine experience itself that allows us to do a great job for our clients.
Engineering – Master Class Custom Wine Cellar Builders
What engineering is needed in the construction of a custom wine cellar?

Wine Cellar Refrigeration engineered as a system
Wine cellar cooling systems or more correctly put a stable wine cellar refrigeration system is at the heart of every wine cellar. Even more so with any respectable collection of wine. Without a stable environment of the right temperature and humidity, there is simply no way for a wine collection to mature properly.
For long-term aging and storage wine bottles should be positioned lying down or with a maximum 15-degree inclination, with a consistent optimum temperate of 57 degrees and humidity around 55 – 65%. A good wine cellar refrigeration system stabilizes the precise wine cellar temperature and humidity needed to preserve and correctly age the wine.
An air-tight and correctly insulated environment that has the right type of moisture barrier is vital if the cellar is to be trouble-free in the long term. Dual pane glass is required for all windows; doors need to be properly sealed and exterior rated so that the door does not warp over time. In addition, the construction of the wine racking itself needs to actually be of the right size, material, and construction to avoid damage to wine through movement or odors that might not be noticeable in the short term or in an open environment.
As master wine cellar builders we use only quality materials and tried and tested construction methods. This includes all aspects of the wine cellar from the floor, walls, and ceiling through to doors, lighting and the racking itself. Need a local Las Vegas wine cellar cooling and installation specialist? Contact Custom Wine Cellars Las Vegas. Need a local Austin-based wine cellar refrigeration systems expert? Contact Custom Wine Cellars Austin.
Product – Master Class Custom Wine Cellar Builders
What products are used to construct our custom wine cellars?

Custom Wine Racks – No compromise on quality
While the majority of our wine racks and wine racking installation are made of wood, metal wine racks on the other hand are becoming increasingly popular. Metal Wine Racks tend to create a more contemporary look and come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, one two and three deep as well as solutions for magnums and other unusually sized bottles. For custom wine cellars we often use a mix of standard and custom metal wine racks in our design, this can make them especially cost-effective.
Our wooden wine racks are literally handcrafted with wood species such as All Heart and Premium Redwood, Malaysian Mahogany and Northwestern Pine. These are chosen for their stability and low aromatic nature. We sometimes finish these in special stains and lacquers also selected for low odor and long-term stability in a climate-controlled environment. While typically wood-based wine racks have a traditionally styled look to them they can be designed to create a contemporary look with clean lines and the right finish such as satin black.
As well as fully customized wine racks, for the budget conscious we have a range of semi-custom wine rack kits. These are available in 6ft., 7ft., and 8ft. heights in multiple formats such as single storage, double storage and double deep with variations that can include a display row, arches, tabletops, tasting tables, and waterfall displays to name a few. No compromise in quality with these semi-custom wine racks, it is simply that individual kits only come in standard sizes and configurations. With a mix of custom and semi-custom racking we can often create wine cellars at extremely competitive rates with no loss of quality.
For those who desire something a little unusual, we also create designs using the wood from reclaimed wine barrels. These products offer unique designs with curved wine racks and have the natural odors and coloring of a wine barrel and can even show the branding from an original vineyard.
As national wine cellar builders, we take a pride in the quality and look of our products. Each set of wine racks, whether created custom or from the kit designs use only quality materials and tried and tested construction methods and include a lifetime warranty.
Installation – Master Class Custom Wine Cellar Builders
What’s involved in the installation of a typical custom a wine cellar?

Professional Wine Cellars Installers – For wine cellars built to last
Installation can involve everything from framing, drywall, insulation, electrical, stonework, and the wine cooling system through to the doors, racking, wine tables and countertops, and special finishing features such a crown moldings and concealed lighting.
As national wine cellar builders, we offer a full turnkey service providing all or any part of the installation needed. Regardless of whether any particular part of the installation is performed by us or by a preferred local contractor, we provide detailed instructions to ensure the correct construction materials and methods are used.
For example, getting the insulation wrong and the wine cellar cooling system can work overtime as can the wrong type of lighting. Getting the vapor barrier wrong and mold can ruin the walls and the wine in the cellar even the wine cellar door can be a potential source of problems. For example, we use a special mechanism at the bottom of the doors that drops down to seal the room when you close it and raise it when you open it. Also, a wine cellar door will not seal properly if it warps, and if it is not constructed in the right way, with the right materials this is not unusual. This is why our custom wine cellar doors our purpose-built for the task of maintaining a seal and longevity.